Final Musical Growth Blog #1
Since my previous midterm blog posts regarding my musical growth, I have been constantly practicing my three chosen songs on the ukulele. Between online zoom classes, homework and working at my job outside of school, I have had a busy semester. However, the homework portion of this music class regarding learning the ukulele has been my favourite homework assignment. I enjoyed learning the ukulele because it provided diversity to our assignments away from the standard assignments of reading and writing. We were able to physically learn a new skill and lesson from a hands-on experience and build our own memories through practicing. Although it has been a challenge learning the songs, getting the notes right and strumming properly, I can confidently say that I have progressed and come a long way.
Originally, when I first picked up the ukulele, I had to find comfort in learning how to hold it and strum it. After watching several different YouTube videos and looking at online resource for assistance, I feel confident in my abilities of strumming and playing. However, I have realized that when practicing, some days my performance would be better than others. I have been practicing for about two to three nights a week for around an hour to an hour and a half and realized that some days I can flawlessly perform certain songs while other days I seem to face challenges. Consequently, this is most likely due to over-tiredness and stress with school. However, I would like to think that playing the ukulele has become a hobby of mine! Even when I am stressed and tired, I enjoy sitting down and learning a new verse or practicing a song. I believe that it allows me to sit down and relax, while also challenging my mind and physical abilities. The skill of learning the ukulele is now a skill that I can hold onto and continue to practice. It is a skill that I will be able to use in my future classroom one day and continue to get better at.