Free Inquiry – Exploring Nature #6

For this weeks inquiry post, I wanted to research deeper about the physical and mental health benefits from the outdoors. As I have aforementioned in previous inquiry posts, I strongly believe that exploring nature and the outdoors can significantly improve an individual’s physical and mental health. Personally, as I have also previously mentioned, I have my own collection of my favourite outdoor activities to participate in outside. For example, kayaking, hiking, wake surfing, snowboarding and exploring new trails are my favourite activities that always boost my mindset and improve my physical health. I believe that every individual should develop a passion for the outdoors to provide them with exposure and engagement with the nature. Below I have posted a few resources that I came across while researching about the physical and mental health benefits of the outdoors. I came to realize that not only does it improve physical health such as strengthen muscles and cardio, but it also can boost an immune system and an individuals inner health. Despite the outdoors increasing physical muscle health, it can improve blood flow, fight diseases, aid pain and healing as well as boost vitamin D levels. In addition to physical health benefits, mental health is also extremely boosted from the outdoors. In one of the below YouTube videos, it states that the green from the trees and heat from the sun can boost psychological benefits by getting outdoors. I also included an interesting Ted Talk video that I came across in my research, that points out the importance of the outdoors with children, which is extremely beneficial to learn about being in this program. Overall, I will continue to research the diverse benefits from exploring the outdoors and continue to provide my findings.

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