Reflection Post #3
Now that we are in week three of our Technology and Innovation Course, we have began to learn about the details that are involved with image editing, graphic design and the multimedia learning theory. Prior to this course, I had never heard of the multimedia learning theory. The hypothesis of this theory claims that individuals are able to learn and retain more knowledge through the use of words and pictures together, rather than just from words alone. I agree with this claim because I believe that I retain more information when pictures are involved with learning materials. For example, when textbooks are explaining particular concepts, I find that I can understand more deeply about what is trying to be said when pictures are involved. Pictures enable individuals to create a notion of imagery in their head and picture what is being discussed. The use of pictures entail a wide variety of choices, such as actual images, diagrams, tables, graphs and charts. When information can be transmitted through images instead of only spoken in words, readers are able to create an understanding through visuals instead of trying to create their own image blindly. Pictures can help facilitate certain concepts, complete understandings and enhance an individual’s knowledge towards a subject.
After our lecture this week I was inspired and intrigued to test out some of the new concepts that we learnt about. I went onto powerpoint and started using some of the tools discussed in our lecture to create a powerpoint slideshow. In previous instances when I have used powerpoint, I tend to focus more on the information and content that I am including and not so much on how it appears. Although of course the content is what is being graded (for the most part), a visually appealing slideshow also hooks the audience and makes it satisfying to read and appeasing on the eyes. Furthermore, I was also unaware that there were apps made for graphic design and that you can edit photos solely on your phone to look appealing. After only three weeks in this course, I have already significantly expanded my knowledge of technology and I am looking forward to learning more as I pursue this program.